2013-07-01 08:05:05   来源:   评论:0 点击:

导 演:
 Rudolph Maté 
主 演: Diane Baker Robert Brown Barry Coe John G. Contes John Crawford Richard Egan David Farrar Charles Fawcett 
上 映: 1962年11月11日 ( 英国 ) 
地 区: 美国 
对 白: 英语 
评 分: 6.3/10( 452票 ) 
颜 色: 彩色 
时 长: 114 分钟 
类 型: 剧情 冒险 战争 
分 级: 美国:Approved 芬兰:K-12 
字 幕: 外挂英/法文等

简 介:
  Essentially true story of how Spartan king Leonidis led an extremely small army of Greek Soldiers (300 of them his personal body guards from Sparta) to hold off an invading Persian army more than 20 times as large. The actual heroism of those who stood (and ultimately died) with Leonidis helped shape the course of Western Civilization, allowing the Greek city states time to organize an army which repelled the Persians. Set in 480 BC.
公元前480年,波斯人入侵希腊,300名斯巴达士兵前往军事要塞温泉关,与百倍于己的侵略者展开血战。波斯人大兵压境,斯巴达将士泰然自若,浴血会战3日后,以斯巴达王列奥尼达斯为首的勇士们全部壮烈牺牲。一个军团,300名战士,勇士精神永远不死!历史上以少战多的战例不少,但两方军力差距如此悬殊,明知不可为而为之,套用一句古语,“真乃大丈夫”也。拍摄于 1962年的这部片画质还不错。 

Richard Egan .... Leonidas, Spartan King 
Ralph Richardson .... Themistocles of Athens 
Diane Baker .... Ellas, Leonidas' Niece 
Barry Coe .... Phylon, son of Grellas 
David Farrar .... Xerxes, Persian King 
Donald Houston .... Hydarnes, Commander of the Immortals 
Anna Synodinou .... Gorgo, Leonidas' Wife 
Kieron Moore .... Ephialtes, Greek Traitor 
John Crawford .... Agathon the Spartan Spy 
Robert Brown .... Pentheus, Leonidas' Second in Command 
Laurence Naismith .... First Delegate 
Anne Wakefield .... Artemisa, Queen of the Halicarnassians 
Ivan Triesault .... Demaratus, Exiled Spartan King 
Charles Fawcett .... Megistias the Seer 
Michalis Nikolinakos .... Myron, Spartan Sub Commander 






相关热词搜索:三百 斯巴达 勇士


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